Junior Pros is a program for young athletes to become their very best physically, mentally and spiritually.
If you are a young athlete looking to play at the Junior Pros level but are not quite there yet, we invite you to register for our intermediate program, All-Star Basketball!
Register for ALl-Star Basketball
Please email Phil Tensley at ptensley@fcymca.org for more information.
Junior Pros (Jr Pros) Basketball Academy presents instructor-led Competitive Basketball League & Skill Training. Our Academy Competitive League is designed to assist players (10U-14U) with the evolution of their individual skill level while enhancing their level of play in a focused, competitive and structured environment.
Emphasis is on:
• Skill Development & Progression
• Basketball IQ Enhancement
• Sportsmanship
• Teamwork
• Reviewing Game Film
This is our commitment to you and your child:
- Provide expertise coaching. Our coaches have all taken the Positive Coaching Alliance Course (a requisite for AAU) as well as experience in playing college or AAU basketball. Our coaches believe in developing your child’s potential to play at his or her best. They are disciplined and expect their players to work hard both at practice and in games. Our coaches will build on their current skills and work to make them better. 100% effort all the time, no matter what the score reflects.
- Gym Time. On average two or more practices may be scheduled per week. Players are expected to attend all practices. If a player has a legitimate reason for missing practice, he/she must let their coach know prior to that practice.
- Community Events. We will request that the players & parents partake in community activities (such as our JPB Invitational, Fall Festival or runs, etc.)
- Fundraising. We will be starting a fundraising committee to help raise funds that will go back to our program to help with scholarships.