1908 Society: Leave a Lasting Legacy

Since 1908, the YMCA has been guided by the core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. We are dedicated to giving people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life the opportunity to improve their lives, nurture their families, and strengthen their communities.

By becoming a member of the 1908 Society, you can make a lasting impact on future generations. The YMCA is here to help our neighbors focus on what matters most: their health, their families and friends, and their community. We believe in the power to inspire a brighter tomorrow and are committed to making a meaningful and measurable difference in the lives of others. Our efforts are focused on three key areas:

  • Youth Development: Empowering young people to reach their full potential.
  • Healthy Living: Improving individual and community well-being.
  • Social Responsibility: Providing support and inspiring action in our communities.

As a member of the 1908 Society, your current or planned gift places you among a community of dedicated supporters who share a common vision. Your generosity helps the YMCA preserve and expand youth and adult programs, and develop new offerings to enrich the community.

The 1908 Society honors the generosity and vision of those who include the YMCA of Florida’s First Coast in their estate plans. By making a legacy gift, you ensure that the YMCA’s mission continues to thrive for generations to come.

Join the 1908 Society today and be part of a legacy that shapes the future.

Why Choose Planned Giving?

By making a planned gift to the YMCA of Florida’s First Coast, you can leave a lasting legacy that supports our mission to strengthen our community. Your contribution will help us continue to provide programs and services that make a difference in the lives of children, families and individuals on the First Coast.

Ways to Give:

  • Bequests: One of the most common ways to leave a legacy is through a bequest in your will or trust. You can specify a certain amount or a percentage of your estate to go to the YMCA. This allows you to support the YMCA’s mission without impacting your current financial situation.
  • Gifts of Stock or Securities: Donating appreciated stocks or securities can provide a substantial contribution to the YMCA. It may also offer potential tax benefits.
  • Life Insurance Policies: Designate the YMCA as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy. This allows you to make a significant impact with a relatively small investment.
  • Charitable Gift Annuities: Establish a charitable gift annuity with the YMCA, where you make a gift and receive regular fixed payments for life. This option can provide you with income during your lifetime while benefiting the YMCA in the long term.
  • Real Estate: Contribute real estate, such as your home, vacation property, or other properties, to the YMCA. This can be an impactful way to support the organization and potentially reduce your estate tax liability.
  • Retirement Plans: You can name the YMCA as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts, such as IRAs or 401(k)s. This allows you to support the organization while potentially reducing the tax burden on your heirs.
  • Donor-Advised Funds: If you have a donor-advised fund, you can recommend grants to the YMCA from the fund. This offers flexibility in your giving strategy.
  • Endowments: Consider establishing an endowment fund in your name or in memory of a loved one. The income generated from the endowment can support the YMCA’s ongoing work.

We would like to thank and recognize all of our 1908 Society members.

John and Anne Baker
Jennifer and Jeff Boyer
Jan and Jim Brogdon
Bill and Christina Bryan
Carl & Rita Cannon Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Dye
Mrs. Susan L. Golden
Mr. Mattox S. Hair, Esq.
Mr. Wayne Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Lyon
Paul and Brenda McEntire
Mrs. Betty L. Milne
Mr. and Mrs. E. William Nash
Ed & Cindi Neill
Mrs. Deedie Simmons
Justin, Paige and Hannah Terry
Mrs. John Webster
Mr. Thomas Whicher
Mr. and Mrs. Hastings & Jacqueline Williams
Mr. James H. Winston
Ms. Penelope Zuber

Frequently Asked Questions

Any donor who commits a gift to the YMCA as a part of their estate plan is considered a member.
Many donors choose to leave their gift unrestricted to allow the Y governing board to direct the earnings where the need is greatest. However, the YMCA of Florida’s First Coast has specific options to which you can designate your funds: (1) undesignated for highest needs at the time, (2) for use at a specific branch, (3) for facility improvements, and (4) for high-priority programs identified by the board of directors.
We know that members of the Yates Society choose to give to perpetuate their values and that their gifts say something about who they are and how they want to be remembered. Therefore, options are available to meet individual circumstances. The majority of gifts are received in these forms of planned gifts:

  • Bequests through wills
  • Naming the Y as a beneficiary of retirement plans
  • Naming the Y as a beneficiary of insurance policies
  • Living trusts
  • Charitable trusts
Here is an example of wording you could use:
“I give to the Young Men’s Christian Association of Florida’s First Coast, a 501(c)(3) corporation, incorporated in Florida, the sum of $ (or percent of the remainder of my estate) to be deposited in the YMCA’s endowment fund. The income shall be used to benefit said YMCA in such manner as the board of directors thereof may direct.”

To learn how you can become part of the movement, contact Brooke Valet, Director of Development at 904.265.1833 or bvalet@FCYMCA.org