Help Your Community’s Health in Just 3 Minutes

The Duval County Department of Health is crafting a plan for health improvement in our area. The YMCA of Florida’s First Coast supports the mission of the initiative, which is to promote, protect, and improve the health of Florida residents through involvement of community partners.

The plan for improvement will target 4 strategic areas, which include access to care, behavioral health sciences, chronic care management, and community engagement and partnerships.

We realize that health care providers and public health officials are not the only parties accountable for impacting and improving our health- we as the community also share responsibility to become informed and empowered about our well-being.

The process for improvement starts with you! If you are a Duval resident, please click here and take three minutes to complete the linked survey.

By sharing previous experiences, and current expectations, your survey responses can help Duval County to shape healthcare in our community for the better.

To learn more about the Duval County Community Healthcare Planning and initiatives, click here.