Healthy Living Challenge

This two-month challenge (April – May) is an official team event and each company can field a roster of up to 10 participants. While we’re having a great time participating in the Games, we also want to make sure that we’re examining our overall health and well-being. This is where the Healthy Living Challenge comes in. While bowling and playing basketball is fun, so is living a long and healthy life! Points will be awarded for company participation in health assessments, various workouts and activities at First Coast YMCA branches.

Scoring Points

Points for the Pre & Post Screening and the PhYsical Activity Card are based on employee participation.

Complete Pre-screening: 1 point/participant (max 10 points/team)
Complete Post-screening: 1 point/participant (max 10 points/team)
Complete PhYsical Activity Card: 1 point/card (max 10 points/team)

*Max points for Winning Team is 30 pts.

Pre & Post Screening

We’re starting and ending the First Coast Games with health screenings so that you’ll have data to support the positive changes made in your company’s health over the course of the Games. We’re measuring the following three health components:

  • Change in % body weight
  • Change in % body fat

HLC will be 8-weeks in duration.

*pre-screenings held the first week of HLC
*post-screenings held the last week of HLC
**all screenings will be held at the Brooks, Williams and Winston YMCAs


PhYsical Activity Card

This year, you can also earn bonus points toward the Healthy Living Challenge by completing 6 of the 9 activities featured on our phYsical activity cards. This is a great way to find something new to try and connect with others at the Y. As you complete the activities, make sure that they’re initialed and dated by YMCA staff. Completed bonus point cards must be brought to the post-screening to be redeemed for points to count toward Team Totals.

Get Connected

Group Exercise

At the Y, we know that support, engagement and accountability are vital in helping you meet and exceed your goals. Group Exercise is a great way to get engaged quickly with your colleagues and other Y members. We’ve highlighted several of our classes, broken down into three levels, with Level I being the easiest and Level III the most challenging:

Level I

  • Aqua Aerobics
  • Beginner Cycle
  • Gentle Yoga
  • Pilates

Level II

  • Body Flow
  • Body Step
  • Cycle
  • Zumba

Level III

  • Body Attack
  • Body Combat
  • Body Pump
  • Fitness Yoga

These classes are a great way to progress during the course of the games into more challenging classes and can be found at almost every one of our branches.

Powerful Technology

You can also get connected with some of the powerful technology we offer at the Y. Our FastForward Fitness program will help you jumpstart your wellness journey, whatever level you’re at, and reward you as you make progress. It’s powered by ActivTrax, which is proven to make you four to six times more likely to reach your wellness goals. ActivTrax takes the guesswork out of getting fit by giving you a new workout each time you log in and tracks your progress while guiding you towards better health.

You can also take advantage of Preva, a state-of-the-art software designed to personalize your cardio experience and built to help you succeed along your own personal fitness path. Download the mobile Preva app for iPhone and Android today.